3 Hoops 2 conditions. Sufficiency economy principles (Sufficiency Economy) or 3 Hoops 2 terms is not just a philosophy for agriculture, as many people are confused, because there are always presented with a "new theory" which guide the management of the land for the benefit of the farmers but the truth. According to the principle of sufficiency economy guidelines เพิ every activity with important applications. Specifically with investing in real estate is to know enough about. There is a reason, and the immune system at risk. If you have studied, and follow that to get the wealth, success and truly sustainable.Core of the sufficiency economy principle. There is an element that can be easily understood by description, 3 Hoops 2 terms with the following illustration. The middle way is composed of 3 hoops.Loop 1 is enough for approx.It means ' everything is not so much focus on fit, or less. Without persecution ourselves or others, troubleThe second is concerned with reason.The decision on the level of sufficiency is a necessity considering the relevant factors, as well as take into consideration the effects that are expected to arise from their actions carefully.The third is concerned with a good immune system.Means to prepare, with the impact and change various aspects of the consideration of the possibility of a situation that is expected to happen in the future, both near and far. 2. the conditions along the Localism are: Condition 1: the knowledgeIs there any technical knowledge about relevant aspects carefully to those considered knowledge, linked to planning and caution in operating procedure. Condition 2: virtueThere is awareness in the virtue is honesty. Patience and diligence to use wisdom in life. To contribute to the goal of balance, with all the changes.
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