Lao Folk Tales: Chiang complementing come before the chicken
.Have a meal, Phraya ordered the minister to tell Chiang complementing to come in early tomorrow morning but has even Chiang complementing must come before the chicken (come before the chicken crow in the morning). If do not will be punished.The Chiang wrapped after received the order from the minister don't feel anxious. After sunset, I went to bed as usual until Chiang, complementing the time close to the light.When the sun is a new day Chiang complementing it get up from bed and wash up eating normally do not get what hot regardless of the river to see how urgent it is
.Fall afternoon, the sun is setting dinner now. Chiang, complementing it, out of the house and motivate the chicken that tied the rope along the way, listen to the sound of the singing จ๊อกๆ chicken house. Chiang complementing shouted at by put the chicken, "will you cry? You don't know the river to meet the emergency.You sing? If you don't listen to me back I'll fucking kill you do Tom Yum! "). Chiang wrapped chicken walk drag along the way people are that Chiang complementing why sin faxed out drag chicken walk along. Chiang complementing until answering said, "you will come to พูดติ todays?I can motivate chicken like after this De ". Chiang, complementing the palace went to worship you Chao and asked him, saying, Wish what to call here before the chicken. Now I can follow you home is to motivate all chicken after.After Chao listen to that thought mad Chiang wrapped in a vague but missed the order itself, so the result is like this.
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