What is the license: copyright is one of intellectual property law, protected by the copyright owner holds sole rights to any creative work was done that they have done. Copyrighted work: job creation is protected Copyright Act must be in the branch. Literature, arts, music, drama and film materials, audio-visual recordings, sound. Job value package includes pictures, sound diffusion for other jobs in the Department of art, science or literature department, these tasks are considered contributions arising from the use of intelligence, knowledge, ability and perseverance. In a creative task, which is considered to be one of the types of intellectual property on economic value. The acquisition of copyrights: the copyright rights to occur immediately, since the author has been creating work out without any clearance or registration. Copyrighted material: who is the owner of the copyright has the sole right to. In order to take advantage of their creative works. In order to reproduce, modify, or publish to the public, including rental rights. In General, the protection of the rights of age will take effect as soon as they happen with the filmmaking, this coverage will have throughout the life of the author and the protection of the following 50 years, since the author died. Beneficial to consumers: the protection of copyright works and the Tribune, there result in motivation as well as filmmaking is filmmaking arts and literature with valuable market resulted in consumer knowledge, entertainment, and quality workmanship has been used. Copyright Act Copyright law is intended to protect. Protection benefits both economic and moral person ought to receive from the creative achievements resulting from their intellect and thoughts. It also seeks to encourage filmmaking, that is, when the author returns to drip sweat from their intelligence and strength, it will inevitably cause psyche to be creative, innovative, and published works, a more widespread khing will be beneficial to the development of the nation and the economy. Society and technology. To stimulate the development of intellect in the nation as the most important factors that will contribute to sustainable development in the future. The country has announced the Thai Copyright Act 2537 (1994) used to apply instead. 2521 (1978) Copyright Act effective March 21, 1995 by the Copyright Act, the protection of computer programs by providing one of the category works as a caste. Jobs that have been created prior to the date of coming into force of this Act and is copyright protected under this Act. Are copyright protected under this Act. Although the country is Thai law, copyrighted material is a long time, but the understanding of the public in General, on the subject of copyright is still not clear. Awareness know the importance khongkan copyrighted material and correct attitude with regard to sustainable intellectual property over the Suppression of piracy, which is a problem at the end of a note.Copyright violation. • Direct copyright infringement: is a repeat broadcast computer programs adapted to the public as well as providing original or copy them out for rent without permission from the copyright owner. • The indirect copyright infringement: is the trade action or actions that contribute to the above copyright infringement by those already know which jobs have been created by someone else's copyright violations, but it was also done in order to gain from the selling is for sale for rent proposed rent, leasing offers leasing public distribution in such a way that could cause damage to the copyright owner and bring order into the Kingdom.Penalty provisions • Direct copyright infringement: there are penalties ranging up to 20000 200000 baht baht if a commercial action. There are six (6) months or more imprisonment up to 4 years or 100000 or more baht to 800000 baht or both. • The indirect copyright infringement: there are penalties ranging from 10000 to 100000 Thai baht baht if a commercial action. There are 3 months or more imprisonment up to 2 years or a fine up to 400000 50000 Thai baht from baht or both. Any offense will be prosecuted to the Copyright Act. When I'm out, and then the five wings is sin against this Act. They will be prosecuted as twice the penalty prescribed for the offense.In case of juristic person offense this Act, regarded as Director or Manager of a legal entity by everyone who is participating with a legal entity, unless it is proved not an accomplice or consent.The fines have been paid, according to the judgment, it was half-owned by the owner of the copyright, however, to receive such a penalty does not affect the copyright owner's rights to sue in a civil claim for the excess amount of the fines, the owner of the copyright has already been received.Why do we need to focus on piracy. Piracy is an illegal action. In addition to the legal risks that he might have received. Your business will also lose the reputation for reliability that cause loss of revenue and do business more difficult. In addition, you will also need the risk with using software that can create problems with the trade data is the value of persons. Don't get technical support, and its message is beneficial to you and your business. Support copyright infringement as part of that stop the growth of the industry. It is an industry with a future will bring income to the Thai nation and have developed knowledge of it to people of the country. To be more competitive in the global trade and disgrace the event tantayaporn.Value of piracy. In the year 2542 (1999) domestic piracy statistics Thai There is a high rate of 81 percent make the software industry lost in paradise.
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