Lent 2558 priority Lent include The temple is at the end of the 15th lunar month 11 today clergy to officiate a consortium called the day pavarana is to provide the monks with the same admonition. This is because during the rainy season Some priests who may have flaws that need to be addressed. Allowing others have admonition. As a way to recognize their shortcomings. This is done by exposing It is not to be offended later. Or the opportunity to ask questions of each other pavarana action. It ranks as one of the hymns of gratitude Mok (Vinaya) has done every 15 days during Lent to behave in Lent , despite the commitment to a quarrel between the clergy together. But Lent is an important agenda for another term residents will have the opportunity to make merit together. By the next day is waning days of the first lunar month, 11 have traditionally monks. Also known as Devo merit Or the other that's put Vorona clearer. Continuation of the legendary belief that today is similar. The Buddha has come down from the place of worship after his return from a visit to his mother in heaven some Buddhist temple ceremony may merit it. But it was a massive task. Completion of merit Buddhists will go to a fair hearing Buddhist precepts and treatment activities The Guidelines Lent 1. Philanthropy charity dedicated to relatives who passed two. To the temple to practice Sermons third. Joint charitable action "Devo" 4. Sweep the house clean Flags adorned the houses and government offices. Yahoo! and flags and flags adorned the temples and places of religious traditions related. Lent traditionally associated with Lent popular practice is traditionally 1. Devo (waning days of the first lunar month 11, after Lent is over one day) 2. ceremony ceremony (since the waning days of the first lunar month to the 11th day of the 15th lunar month 12. Be the first month since the end of Buddhist Lent) 3. Offering Ceremony (No time limit) 4. Mahachat sermon tradition (Made popular in the late eighth day of the eighth moon or waning days of the mid-12th May in some local made popular in the month 5 month 6 month or 10).
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