Today I receive your shipment after recheck instrument I see EXCE1 = 50 pcs. & EXCE2 = 50 pcs. they're same I create PO. But Commercial Invoice show EXCE1 = 25 pcs. & EXCE2 = 40 pcs. Revise Commercial Invoice to me please.
Today I receive your shipment after recheck instrument I see EXCE1 = 50 pcs. & EXCE2 = 50 pcs.they're same I create PO. But Commercial Invoice show EXCE1 = 25 pcs. & EXCE2 = 40 pcs.Revise Commercial Invoice to me please.
Today I receive your shipment after recheck instrument I see EXCE1 = 50 pcs. & EXCE2 = 50 pcs. they're Same I create PO. But Commercial Invoice show EXCE1 = 25 pcs. & EXCE2 = 40 pcs. Revise Commercial Invoice to ME please.
Today I receive your shipment after recheck instrument I see EXCE1 = 50 pcs. & EXCE2 = 50 pcs. they 're same I create, PO. But Commercial Invoice show EXCE1 = 25 PCs. & EXCE2 = 40 PCs. Revise Commercial Invoice to me please.