Oct. 22 57) after experiencing the roots rot rotten in the diffusion of the durian farmers in many areas of the province Trat will affect production of Durian production season year 2558 (2015). station development land and agricultural co-operatives in Trat province and offices have sent officials to introduce farmers farmers Durian. To resolve and prevent the spread of the outbreakMr. Suthep Ngachuea Durian farmer, gardener House No. 202 Moo 10 tumbol Amphoe mueang Trat province Wang krachae as other farmers at the beginning of the root cone faced rotten rotten durian, durian, the information in the garden of his yellow card incident. There is a wound on the trunk, which would result in the Zhou died. But after officials from land development station and Office of the agriculture and agricultural cooperatives of Trat province, aware of the problem so it can make recommendations to resolve and prevent the epidemic to other flammable fuels such as Durian can be spread by dirt, and if there is water flowing through.In front of the Earth which is the other source of Durian Alam preliminary land development officials from Trad., its soil improvement. In the matter of an acid alkaline soil With the use of cement in combination with mild Dolo use compost phot. 3. To control the disease, the root rot rotten diffusion in pharmacology. After implementing recommendations it appears that wound down the dry stems, according to symptoms. The soft crack up. From the dry yellow, green added. The Ms. Nilobon Sutsin Academics, agricultural skills. Land development station Trad said the problem of rot rotten in pharmacology, Bishop is often damp weather during the rainy season. Infection is spreading with the flow along the water. From to check areas that are experiencing problems, there are often problems with soil. Remember to bring the soil to check and need to update the succinic acid as soil that resulted from the use of chemicals in the soil for a long time. By using compost and lime mild Dolo phot. 3. Control of root rot disease is improved cone rot soil in combination with the use of fungi that is hostile to the paradise that is the cause of the disease. This requires approximately 2-3 months to recover back Durian integrity strength. If farmers are experiencing a root rot disease, pharmacology, cone rot can be consulted from the agricultural land development in the area, district or local channels to solve the next problem.
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