Synopsis: Inside Out growth may not be easy, and it is such that, when the "Riley" young women 11 years. He grew up from the life the Midwest to move to San Francisco. According to her father, who got a new job offer, as well as all of us. Riley was controlled by her emotions such as happiness (Amy Poe.), fear (bill hader), anger (ลิววิส black),. Repulsive (Mindy, Carl. ") or sadness (Phyllis Smith) all the emotions, live ในศูนย์บัญชาการ big, which is the central control within the mind of Riley. Where they helped introduce you through life every day. When the valley and the her emotions to adapt to life in San Francisco. Chaos is creeping into the headquarters, even happiness, which is the main and most important mood of Riley tried to make things better. But the emotions they back against each other in living in this town
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