Ingredients. Pork tenderloin is sliced off pieces. Weight per piece: 100-120 G. number of 2 pieces. Salt and cayenne pepper Thai 1 egg (beaten up together) All-purpose flour Flake bread Ham 1 sheet Chetda cheese Oil for frying ToothpickHow to make the. 1. put pork tenderloin steaks, sliced crosswise, thicker than 1.5-2 cm (with a cacophony of hammers, pound steak will increase the size of the piece of soft and big, then it would not be attending, but if not, it doesn't matter because the pork tenderloin is not already frozen) 2. bring the sliced steak and also wears a knife to carve a butterfly spread khom for cheese and ham, then put cheese and ham sliced by the size of the pork pieces. Place the insert into the straight to carve out our centrally and cover, using a toothpick and a PIN in the Middle so she sayoem out while frying. 3. sprinkle salt and pepper both sides of grounded Thai. 4. to mix wheat flour, pork and slice thin across the dampened breaded egg, followed by both sides. 5. FRY in hot oil until medium cooked soya oil drain scoop up mouthwatering vertically (2-3 minutes after leaving, she carried cheese Shredder saset module not to ooze out and not make a mess but if anyone likes cheese is melted, I had served sliced yoem)
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