In contrast to the natural environment is the built environment. In such areas where man has fundamentally transformed. Landscapes such as urban settings and agricultural, land conversion the natural environment is greatly modified, and diminished. With a much more simplified human environment largely replacing it. Even events which seem less extreme such as hydroelectric. Dam, constructionOr solar array construction in, the desert the natural environment is substantially altered.
It is difficult to find absolutely. Natural environments and it, is common that the naturalness varies in a continuum from ideally, 100% natural in one extreme. To 0% natural in the other. More precisely we can, consider the different aspects or components of, an environmentAnd see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform. [] If 3, instance we for, take an agricultural field and consider,, The mineralogic composition and the structure of, its soil we will find that whereas the first is quite similar to that. Of an undisturbed, forest soil the structure is quite different.
Natural environment is often used as a synonym for, habitat. For, instanceWhen we say that the natural environment of giraffes is the savanna.
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