Soln 32.1) test for Mr. c
= 60, so it meets the.
Mr. c is at 33 percent, which will be able to tile P33 is an of the graph (the middle is P50), and an area below the graph as 0.17, from which the above table will be z = 0.44, so that z is-0.44 (must be a negative value because it is on the left side of the graph)
by test scores of Mr. c =
Ans 57.2 points
.32) if test scores there are biology normal distribution with mean equal to 60 points and variance equal to 25 if the subjects want from 54 points will pass. Mr. E Bea, and c Knowing ourselves is the tile position, 10 percent. 15 and 33, respectively, that c
6 How many employers who test score and pass, which comes under the area
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