1 booth that I thought as much knowledge as possible is booth of, because we are the people knowledge in the country. The present เซ้นมั come out quite well. And held within the booth is quite perfect. Easy to understand.Foreign students or Thai students should have knowledge of these as a basis for, such as in the Thai economy linkage center transport services In the ASEAN region
.The natural and cultural attractions, famous
time to religious dress, should be neat. Take off your shoes before entering the temple monks - don't touch the women
.The monarchy is respect. - Gara any abuse is a crime, constitutional
greet each other with respect - considered the feet to be low. Don't lean on the table or chair, or veer who
.- the flag is of high Should not be doing anything that is an insult to
- Sexual expression in public. Still not accepted in Thai culture, etc., which the group นี้พรี sign out very well
.1 preview on employment within the booth's availability and appropriateness is very much. I think every booth has an interest. No booth where said. But if you look at the various elements.
.2 booth shop I like is booth of again. Because there are various foods and colorful delicious. I like to eat dessert. This group has made the dessert, applications, up for sale. The dessert is unique national culture indicates the Thai.How to do, meticulous, delicious sweet colourful appearance invited eating through process elaborately. The taste we are familiar. The price is reasonable!
.3 in the aspects of the show, I like the performance of all countries. Because in addition to culture of Thailand. I never watch the show of which country in ASEAN once. Therefore, to show that I admired, I had the impressionIt makes me gain knowledge in various aspects, including in the field of culture that comes out of this stage of every group, everyone came out very well!
.From what I have said that all countries are equally interesting. But when combining elements of everything. I think the group assigned to work with Thailand to do all the work out perfectly possible.It conveys that members of the group have unity, cooperation, mutual aid And the planning work very well. I like the show of this group most
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