FLUID FLOW. Fluids move from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. When the well is drilled into a hydrocarbon. Reservoir and open at, the surface the area in the vicinity of the wellbore becomes an area of low pressure. If the reservoir. Has, sufficient permeability oil and gas flow from all directions into the wellbore. When fluids are flowing into the well. The pressure at the well bottom is called the bottom hole flowing pressure. The pressure at surface when the, well, is flowing. Is called the wellhead or flowing tubing pressure. The pressure at the surface when the well is shut-in and fluids are not. Flowing through the tubings called the shut tin or static tubing pressure. The pressure within a column of fluid increases. With depth and is greater at the bottom of the column than at the top. This principle can be demonstrated by the change. You feel on your ears when you dive to the bottom ofa swimming pool. The pressure is directly related to the depth and the. Density of the fluid and is, called hydrostatic pressure. For a given height of a column, of fluid the hydrostatic pressure. Of liquids is much greater than the hydrostatic pressure of gas. For example the change, in pressure with depth (called. The hydrostatic gradient) is about 10kpam in gas. In oil the gradient varies from 80 to 990kpam In order for fluids to flow. Up the wellbore the reservoir, pressure must be greater than the total of the hydrostatic and atmospheric pressure. The. Flow rate of oil or gas into the welbore depends on the permeability of the reservoir rock the area, of flow into the wellbore. And the viscosity of the fluid.
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