1: Hello everyone My NAME is Sunarat Buthsabong, You Can Call Me Sao.
2: today I Want to Talk to You About safety social Media.
3: the purpose of My Presentation is to convince You that a social Media Can be harmful for You. .
4: First of all, social media is extensive. To exchange information and knowledge on what to do with each other. Communicate with one another quickly and easily. But if the social too much to lose by
5: firstly, if the user is obsessed with social media, too, may impair learning or academic performance, decreased
6: secondly, the use of social media. online too, may impair health. Healthy, unhealthy,
7: eg. If you play social media, too, will impair vision or blindness, and inadequate sleep
8: lastly, to play and to focus on the social time with other people, too, it may make people annoyed we had
nine. :such as When you are with your friends, but with a focus on an online social too much to make friends bother you and stop playing with you
10: to sum up, social media has both advantages and disadvantages. Take in a good way, and do not become slaves of social
11: I recommend that you 1) should be used to get or various. 2) the social and less interested in the people around me 3) maintain itself not too obsessed
12: that 's the end of my presentation, are there any questions?
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