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.Dutch is a specialist in trade for a long time. Both trade with neighboring countries nearby. And trade with countries in other regions of the world. The expert has several factors together.The Netherlands. There is a river flowing through the line from many countries in Europe, to the sea at their country, หลายเมือง of the Netherlands became a harbor. More important is the port John Steinbeck (Rotterdam).
.The next, from near the sea. To have the opportunity to see a trade by sea passes. Make an inspiration to interested in business. As well as the trade by sea along with it. Because they can go far.Moreover, the Netherlands has few natural resources The Dutch relies on agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, no essential minerals (oil and กาซธรรมชาติ was discovered in lately) so.In order to survive, and has been dubbed as national businessman (Trading nation) and success in the field of trade all the time. The facts prove expertise in trade. Look from the international trade of the Netherlands.And the trade surplus for many years continuously.
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