1. arrange the environment to stimulate interest. To stimulate learning, such as colored shapes, accessories, architecture, design, learning things themselves (not a teacher designed) so that learners feel participation and ownership. 2. places for learning as a group together like an empty wooden huts for small groups. Marble table under a tree. Adjust the space as a living room that stimulates interaction. Stuff that encourages learning as a group. 3. provide learning, both in and outside the classroom. Waikratun is the brain part control of muscles with the prosencephalon, the brain gets fresh air. 4. all parts of the school, providing a source of student learning, wherever on the balcony by between building. Public places 5. security issues surveillance Reduce the risk, especially in urban communities. 6. arrange vegetables around the shape, color, light box hole. 7. environmental changes frequently so that children from interaction with a wide range of environments to stimulate the functioning of the brain, such as stage exhibitions that should change the format. 8. provide materials that stimulate learning. The development of a wide variety of body and can make unified communications, learning new ideas, are not integrated separate main aim is material that serves a variety of 9 flexible learning processes. Fits each person's brain and changing conditions. 9. provide places and places for sharing activities with others. 10. provide privacy. Opportunity for the participants to share their unique message Manage their personal around and can display ideas. Their creation independently.
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