Research on current effective substances xanthones were found in the shell, seed, meat and skin color yellow mangosteen mangosteen. Which has been used widely and is recognized more and more. By scientific research stating that Compound chitosan โทนมี benefits greatly both in the medical industry, cosmetic and food and is a component that benefits greatly both in nutrition and medicinal herbs. There is also medical research indicated that substances xanthones were Beta-mangostins garcinone Alpha-and and B inhibit infections. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) and also features a Compound anti oxidant or property in removal of free radicals of the compound group xanthones, which the meat is ORAC (Oxygen Radical mangosteen. Absorbance Capacity), high 17 000-24 000 per ounce, while prunes were ORAC, only 7 000 per ounce.
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