The history of Christmas, Christmas Which day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. According to the evidence in the Bible records. Jesus was born during the reign of the emperor fulfilled a shrimp on [the Roman Empire]. Which he ordered to register the sum over all the earth by Kiri นิอัส governor Syria. Take a census register policy throughout the territory. But in the Bible does not indicate how the image a day or month. The analysis that historians date the beginning 25 December. The day the emperor aurelian took the birthday celebration of the solar deity since 1990. 274 the Romans, most of which respect for the gods to celebrate this day as that. Is a day of celebration of the emperor to the body. Because the emperor, like the sun. Give light to the human life. But the Christians in the Roman Empire. Including a change in the Roman Christian embarrassment to celebrate the birth of the sun god. Turned to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. After Christian religious freedom is restricted since 1990. 64 - ad 313 until 25 December 2001. 330 Christians began to celebrate Christmas, formal and revealed.
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