Unlocking Nature’s Secrets
The work of Parker, Rubner, and Cohen is only one part of a growing global biomimetics movement. Scientists around the world are studying and trying to copy a wide variety of nature’s design secrets, with the goal of using them to create something useful. In the United States, researchers are looking at the shape of humpback whale fins in order to improve windmills that generate electric energy. The shape of the body of a certain fish has inspired designers at Mercedes-Benz to develop a more efficient car design. By analyzing how termites keep their large nests at the right temperature and humidity, architects in Zimbabwe hope to build more comfortable buildings. And in Japan, medical researchers have developed a painless needle that is similar in shape to the proboscis of a mosquito.
Unlocking Nature's Secrets The work of Parker, Rubner, and Cohen is only one part of a growing global biomimetics movement. Scientists around the world are studying and trying to copy a wide variety of nature's design secrets, with the goal of using them to create something useful. In the United States, researchers are looking at the shape of humpback whale fins in order to improve windmills that generate electric energy. The shape of the body of a certain fish has inspired designers at Mercedes-Benz to develop a more efficient car design. By analyzing how termites keep their large nests at the right temperature and humidity, architects in Zimbabwe hope to build more comfortable buildings. And in Japan, medical researchers have developed a painless needle that is similar in shape to the proboscis of a mosquito.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Unlocking Nature's Secrets
of The Work Parker, Rubner, and Cohen is only one Part of a Growing Global Movement biomimetics. Scientists around the world are studying and trying to copy a wide variety of nature's design secrets, with the goal of using them to create something useful. In the United States, researchers are looking at the shape of humpback whale fins in order to improve windmills that generate electric energy. The shape of the body of a certain fish has inspired designers at Mercedes-Benz to develop a more efficient car design. By analyzing how termites keep their large nests at the right temperature and humidity, architects in Zimbabwe hope to build more comfortable buildings. And in Japan, medical researchers have developed a painless needle that is similar in shape to the proboscis of a mosquito.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Unlocking Nature s Secrets. "The work, of Parker Rubner and Cohen, is only one part of a growing global biomimetics movement. Scientists around the. World are studying and trying to copy a wide variety of nature ", s design secrets with the goal of using them to create something. Useful. In the United States researchers are, looking at the shape of humpback whale fins in order to improve windmills. That generate electric energy. The shape of the body of a certain fish has inspired designers at Mercedes-Benz to develop. A more efficient car design. By analyzing how termites keep their large nests at the right temperature, and humidity architects. In Zimbabwe hope to build more comfortable buildings. And, in Japan medical researchers have developed a painless needle. That is similar in shape to the proboscis of a mosquito.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..