Brunei Darussalam: Modern Monarchy and the State
of Brunei Darussalam. (City of Peace) is a small country. The Free State is a form of absolute monarchy. Located in Southeast Asia. After gaining independence from Britain in 1984, the monarchy of Brunei able to build a strong political force. Nothing is known about the challenge of harnessing the power of the state. What will help the sustainability of the absolute monarchy of Brunei? This article assumes that The success of the Brunei royal family at the center of power in the Sultanate depends on the ability to acquire the legitimacy of traditional and religious traditions. Contribute to the stability of the monarchy. As well as the ability to avoid the need for political reform. The introduction of the country's income from oil and natural gas. Presented to the public in the form of welfare that have large amounts of funds. The Sultan of Brunei has shown the potential for adaptation. And flexible conditions of global change that occurs in the factors Chan
Naimah S Talib
historical background
of the Ruler of Brunei (also Super Tuan Negara) is part of the historic Sultan a long life. Over the 600 years of the ruler or sultan state is present. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal said Ronaldo Bolton Kyoto John Moody Moreira breaking ground measured guess Allah hath Sultan No. 29 Brunei has a population of about 400,000 people, comprising of Malays, 66 percent, and the terrain was divided. The second part was surrounded by Sarawak, Malaysia. The monarchy reached its peak of power in the sixteenth century. However, with the recession Later in the nineteenth century. Brunei's territory dwindled because of family influence. The ruler of Sarawak But the entry Luxembourg Works British colony in 1906, has helped maintain the monarchy of Brunei. During the mid to late 1959, presenting a new rule slows the power to rule by itself to Brunei. Contributed to regain political power of the Sultan's
new constitution, adopted in 1959, stated the General Assembly members, part of the election, which the party Brunei Rakyat Party (PRB) was elected into office in the legislature only. However, the armed opposition to the merger with Malaysia in 1962, became a major factor prohibiting people who have been elected to step up political positions. The formation rioting that occurred in that year was suppressed by the British immediately. The event marks a significant event in the political history of Brunei. Reflecting the fragility of the political system, while also enabling the Sultan Omar Ali Syed declared three turbines soil. The constitutional amendment and move away. To give legitimacy to the monarchy, why refuse to join Malaysia. To reject the pressure from the British constitution. Sultan had abdicated to his son's name was Haji Hassanal Ronaldo Bolton's someone up reigned. May said, British colonial system of monarchy with the weakness and lack of unity has improved. The opportunity to adapt the monarchy Stewart became the regime, including the power
to create new forms of traditional
scholars, many have questioned the existence of absolute monarchy. The modernization theorists like John Huntington said the ruling by the monarchy were not able to resist or fight with the pressure of stepping into the modern. Dynasty faced with what Huntington tons or scholars, many of you called "King's dilemma" or by two civil King is a modern offset the power of the king forced the king to share power with groups. New Society The priority groups such as the urban middle class is expanding. According to the modern theory The middle class pushed to the cause of change, as well as to participate more in political events. And this is also the reason that led to the fall of the monarchy
, however the royal family in the Middle East and Brunei can to avoid the eventuality of this by developing itself into a state-traditional or neo-traditional. states the monarchy in these countries still maintain a conservative. The government is the father custody. And a dictatorship is quite high. The form of government based on the principle of religious traditions and to cope with the rapidly changing social and economic conditions. Finding the right also to economic policy through its welfare. As part of building a good relationship with the public
after it declared independence in 1984, Brunei has to face the burden of building the institutions of the country. Although Sultan has absolute power But at the same time I understand the importance of the development of political institutions that would truly help meet the needs of modern public services. The format of the ministry had been announced in 1984, but the sultan was still the prerogative of Directors appointed by the Prime Minister. Minister of Defence And the Minister of Finance To alleviate the problem of the two civil or "king's dilemma" Sultan received the new generation of highly educated civil servants working in government. In order to reduce resentment that may be caused by other social groups. Including the ability to reduce dependence on other leaders. The family of the Sultan himself. The Techno Cat bathing and leaders of these studies were given important positions in the government. The son of the Sultan Haji Al Mubarak name was Bill pan Killah has been designated as the Crown Prince of Brunei in 1998 was appointed senior minister in 2005, Crown Prince of Brunei has also been more active role in the North.
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