The tree is often a story that is the ghost of were large trees. The showcase and Tani, banana The ghost of a big tree, typically the male ghost, but the ghost of the showcase and banana Tani, is woman. Likes the body beautiful.
.A story about ghost Nang takhian one said. The showcase is the ghost of a tree. Who will cut the tree cut not showcase The Woodman, one has to beg for the wood from the Nang takhian and deal with Nang takhian.He will be the one to take her to Bangkok. Manually, but happened to this man was killed on the way. The tree was left which not use. No one is used as the cornerstone of the house. The Nang takhian cry with regret.Nang takhian cry and has the call home Sao Hai, which stands for pillars house crying. This story is the story of the house with resident Sao Hai
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