I can use natural gas, rather than using the kat in size enough to be vanity, both rok approval, oil and natural gas in a gas such as used car ngv instead of oil or ways Grandpa drove fast. It wastes more gasoline despite the fact that there is no need. In the case of persons driving with speed 80 km./HR. You will save up to 10-15 percent gasoline
2. Don't leave car speed car racing car design, fast and intense speed. Waste more oil and engine parts, wear a lot.
3. Use regular speed
4. Forecast ahead while driving when the Zebra or near intersection are supposed to slow the speed of early, not when close to then reduce speed
5. Define used vehicles each day so that everyone in the family can use at once. Because of the use of vehicle maneuvers wastes gasoline 6. There is an in-car journey will require travel plans that would reach that mark faster. It's not easy
7. Extinguish a car waiting. If you need to wait about 3-4 minutes or more, he or she should put out a
8. In addition to the fuel savings, the preservation, not to warming.
9. The warmer the engine in the morning warm-up should be approximately 1-2 minutes before using the car so that the engine is ready to work for it. Warm-up will make the system work better lubricants. 10. the air conditioner should be applied as necessary to use the air conditioner makes the engine work harder, and it will be a waste of fuel.
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