Festival is a traditional Thai performance taking place since ancient times. Festival started in mid
11 to mid 12 flooding, water which is full two ฝั่งแม่น้ำ is very popular.
.The full moon lunar month 12 because the Crystal River moonlight shines at night
เป็น beautiful atmosphere. Suitable for loy. Originally the festival called the
กลางเดือน 11 ถึงกลางเดือน 12 ซึ่งเป็นฤดูน้ำหลากน้ำจะเต็มสองฝั่งแม่น้ำที่นิยมมากคือ
In all directions seizures lantern, floating lamp, which is a ceremony to worship the God of the Brahmin three is Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma
when Thai people adopted Buddhism. Is the raise the lamp to worship
.The relics. The chulamani at the second heaven ruler, floating lantern worship Buddha
at the sand river Nam I eat. India
loy Krathong along the river. , noppamas paint of oesophagitis Sukhothai. It counts!Lotus and forms offer manner give Festival according to flowing water, in the book of ท้าวศรี capacity sports image
Ruang said, "but this future foreground. The sequence of king in Siam
.The time the festival lunar month 12 make lanterns. A lotus flower devoted worship Buddha Nam I eat
. As long as the eternal "then when the counts of Rattanakosin. Large
.And the beautiful as chronicle of Chao Phraya Rattanakosin TIPA Dynasty says
"times up to a month 12 up very 14 dinner 15 dinner. Hotel dinner one ceremony in all directions. Please give the original
.Wongsanupat family, officials of the king, and sections, and civil servants with's vehicle to big basket, who was on a tank
made some criteria 8 cubits wide raft stalk, some 9 cubits. The count 10 elbow elbow high throughout the top 11 do contest
.The stranger, like Caliph continent the 4. And to my some splendid basket with fresh machine.
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