Just feel the love when you drop the dream upon a known.Just feels when loveWhen you know the dream deposit.Have found? Her every day.Just as happy.Satisfied that this has been known to love.There was a good feeling, she reminded me, even though she would have someone in mind.He wants to go to nearby wanted to do more than this.Ask for just half of her profound sense that I have. I'm probably willing to tell her that people love.What does not change. When you realize thatShe had a shadow in his eyes, but he wants to give her that I love her.Come across one, but he doesn't want to close as this man.And no matter how you feel, however, one at a time. Please give a good feeling to know! ... full of heart.Just peep sight to greet all who want to challenge.And in that love had been about to become familiar.Is she secretly likes? Will she know?But of course, not a mechanic? Ask Abby only likes enough.If she counts the stars all have probably know who is watching.If only she could look back to the Liao knows, who secretly loves her.If you love only love her more because she secretly likes to answer the charge.Just over half of my mind. If they love to love.She's too busy to come, they don't wonder if it sent to.If you say love don't ask why just keep in touch about these feelings, it's enough.As someone has just had her concerns?As a small point on the path, even if you miss, it doesn't fade.For her. I may be an ordinary friend.But I know that she is more than a man of the heart.I feel strange when I first encountered Enough eyes, shaken.It briefly to the nao immediately found her.Just ask lots do not need to wonder.Don't let the feeling go, chaos Interfere with those who are in the midst of you.Secretly admire the love she secretly hoped we would recognize a windy challenge does not at all willing to greet.Aep would view reserved concerned about finding a peek an eye I know are interested in.Hope it will come true with some of the things that draw.Hopefully nothing hidden in the midst of the match.Do not ask for anything to be silent, are ignored.Take a look with great hope. From today up as long as longLove one is wrong. Trust no edit.Because it is the truth, she will go. Trust that it exceeded most anyone harnessBecause I am satisfied that she was nearby.Am lonely, I miss you, maybe there is a sneak peek of her psyche?She probably doesn't know that she lives with me.We are together every day. But in my dreams.I would like to say in ensuring that stored noen long.I would like to let you know that she has much value.Even though she may be anyone, but I ask you, maybe she's worried.Do not ask for anything more than this, because this is just a feeling, it's beyond enough.Have you ever been aware of it or not who he secretly come to view.Anyone else think she secretly always came to him, or never at all.I love a light point may be out in the middle of her.But you shall always recognize. The excellent lighting in my GalleryNot just acquaintances, because there are so many love exceeds the keep.He doesn't want to be just like friends who, because of her request to heart.Sometimes, to love her, but I always tell myself.Here, our friends-old friends who insist on not with a heart must not forget.Let me be anything as a sky trees are roads ahead.If only so that it is in the eyes of her.It is therefore not the brave woman might tell the true feelings, know.But just a peek watch sent official told implicit tapu.Really would like to know that if I tell her to shock?That's a good friend to her ayu is to sneak hidden love her.I love it because I love the whole feeling in my heart.She used her life to me love to look every day.Love love so much! Love actually sincere.Love, who knows anything or give me some love.Not only cares, but it's nothing more than that.A commitment to understand the feelings that I am a good person!?Ask for permission just to think about, even though she could not be reached.Ask for permission just cares even beyond sight.
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