Rules for playing football. Doyoktika may be altering children's football and soccer for girls?Players Equipment & directorsEach team consists of a maximum of 11 players who can play in the playground, there are backup players can be seated to wait for changes. By the eleventh in people, it must have one goalie. In the official competition, there will be additional rules that will require players to at least 7 persons (in the case where the player hit the Red) to compete with all players, with the exception of the goalie. Do not use hand or arm touching the football, (but can use other parts except for the hands, arms, because it Fouls. Board of Directors, but if they saw it immediately when I can't see, it might not be any Fouls)The main device to play football by the football must have a standard size, ellipsoid. Size: circumference not exceeding 27-28 inches and weigh 396-453 grams, the player has to wear that consists of. Shirts, pants, socks, shoes and Shin support by not wearing jewelry that is potentially harmful, whether guns or knives, and the goalie must wear that is different from the other players, and is different from the Board as well, [5] the FIFA.During play, a player can change with the provision by the General in a race can change at each race weekend have no more than 5 times by reason of change may be the result of boredom. Lazy or change the plan, played by a player who is offered a change to change the play as you like it.The Director is the person who is responsible for the decision, including the timing and drivers competing in the race, there will be an Assistant Director. 2 who the players are unable to play because of opposition in the Committee decision and will not be able to solve.Soccer fieldFootball field and standard sizeFootball stadium look like a rectangle with a length of between 90-120 meters and the width between 45-90 metres long side's borders is called "side-line," he said. While the wide side of the stadium is called "door lines" by the door lever is located on the Middle door. With a height of 2.44 meters (8 feet) above the ground and the door pillar apart 7.3 m (8 YD) Pillars and door beams must be white. Mesh is stretched at the back door, but the door nets, however, are not defined in the global rules.The front door is on the penalty zone that represents where the goalie can hold the ball, and still used in the penalty shoot-outs.The duration of the race.The race is divided into two and a half. By half time 45 minutes by each race will have to count all the time, even if the football is kicked out of court and Committee ordered to stop playing it. During the half-time of 15 minutes will be the Committee will control the time and will make any injury time at the end of each half to replace time lost. During the play, at the end of the race directors will continue to blow a whistle to stop the race.In the event the League is always the end result for the race but want to know result win loss will have extra time (Cup final race is simple, dishes, Cookware), which consists of 2 each 15-minute half, if the scores are still equal, there will be a penalty (on penalty shoot-outs are people that research teams had kicked before winning percentage more than the team that kicked later)It's a trial to determine the fae have a beach to score in overtime, also called golden goal by the team that scored first in overtime to win the race and the team by lawoeklo Zi scored at the end of the first half time lead to win the race by a golden goal was introduced in the 1998 World Cup and 2002 FIFA World Cup, with the first use in a national team match France beat Paraguay in 1998 while the silver goal was used for the first time in the Euro Cup 2004, where the current golden goal and silver goal has not been used.
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