User experience from the carrier hereby lazada, wrong หวัมาก. When compared to the experiences that transport company sok is true and groupon sur problem that prompted the transport of the system, not the lazada pick. So before you go out to the customer to confirm delivery of prior to coming out huge. On Tuesday, I'm calling to talk to employees and to the employees that I have been told is not that Mali has been sent home instead of small earthen cistern. Along with the address of the House and told him that aid to send you home on a Friday or Saturday? The employee said that if the change of address will take 2-3 weeks late action to be had and suggested I cancel and order a new reply, I sent email and easier and send that request to be sent home on Friday. Friday, the employees of the carrier calls going to the small earthen cistern, Mali again. The question is, why is the contact to send on Friday because of a speech that I fong company employees say, come on Friday? If Yes, then why not send it to the House why the small earthen cistern send Mali because I remember nong said, is not whether to send home, or to send e-mail because I ลืแล้ว that, in an e-mail sent to the home, or how to know but do not know the story.
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