to consider This is a vertical, curved feather or a low mounding form large as 12 feet or more, which can be used as an accent plant or a screen or a delicate little ground for cover. And the grass is green - and remember, there are various shades of green themselves. Some varietated grass with blue and white or yellow and some are red, purple or black foliage is outstanding. And the color of their dormant season, in shades of brown, like the color of the seed heads. I kind of film leaves are brown year round.
The maintenance of
a relatively low maintenance ornamental grasses. Have few pests, and most are fairly resistant to drought, although a few things in a wet environment. They often benefit from cutting in at the right time of the year - hay, mostly before they start growing in the spring.
annual and perennial grasses,
while most of us will add grass. landscape with perennials that are also members of some. Of the family to look at the color and interest. These include the grassy small cloud Agrostis nebulosa Big quaking grass Briza up; Job's tears, Coix lacryma-jobi; Bunny tail grass, Lagurus ovatus; And like purple fountain grass Pennisetum setaceum 'Cupreum'.
If you are looking for a small grass on the landscape considering forage oats bulbous plants of different colors, white and green that grows 12 to 18 inches Heigh side oats grama is. building height of 2 feet with rounded growth habit that is very drought tolerant. If moisture is a problem, consider one of the ornamental sedges (no nutsedge) Leatherleaf kg brown copper leaves throughout the year and a good border plant. Japan has some variegation reed plants are attractive and make a pile of interesting curves. The plant has a kind of blue dwarf Festuca ovina 'glauca' It's concentrated densities of green plants with the mulch attractive or border low to bear feskue seems hedgehog green little garden there. spikes in gold in the center.
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