Loan Fund for education (kayot). According to the resolutions of the Council of Ministers on March 28, 1995 by the Ministry of finance, Ministry of education and universities. Join Forsee and consider the importance of human resources development to support economic growth and increase competitiveness of the country and to solve social problems regarding educational inequalities and thus share common principles of project establishment.Loan Fund for education with the basic principle that "to make loans to students who come from families with low income for students ranging from high school level (both General and achiwa) to undergraduate programs in the country, as well as other education systems. The junior secondary level, according to the Ministry of education and type of training course given by the students. Students must be repaid, with interest rates low when graduating. " Borrowing authority property.1) Thai nationality2) funding is based on the principle that the Committee is as follows: a shortage of funds means that people who have a family income less than 200000 baht per year income per family is determined on the basis of one of the following: 2.1 total income of students or a student loan borrower with income of the parents. In the case of parents who use the power rule. 2.2 the total revenue of the student or student loan borrower with income of parents in the case of a user, not his father, ruling powers. Mothers 2.3 total income of a student or a student loan borrower with income of your spouse in the event that the requester has made a loan to a marriage.There are 3 different properties according to) Committee as follows: 3.1 who is studying or qualify the measurement and evaluation of educational institutions. 3.2 the user conduct as well. Not in violation of the rules and regulations of the Institute for advanced study, serious or not, who have engaged in conduct such as damage to drug offenses, gambling binge is achin or loaf in entertainment. Roengrom is achin, etc. 3.3 as a fully qualified according to regulations or declare the individual to study in school. School or educational institution that is affiliated to the control or supervision of the Ministry of education. Other Government Ministry or Government Department, University State enterprises 3.4 never finished a Bachelor's degree in any branch before. 3.5 does not work regularly during the study. 3.6 non-bankruptcy 3.7 does or ever has been in prison. By a judgment to imprisonment unless it is a punishment for the mistake made by the careless or offense. 3.8 age upon request to borrow when combined with a 2-year grace period and a repayment period of another 15 years combined must not exceed 60 years.
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