.Introduce or sell goods, including food kitchen made to customers. The waitress will win customers with tact and attractive worth talking with work fluently cache ล่ว and well-versed in the job that you do.And also can explain to customers, listen to how the dish prepared? How). The waitress will be ready to serve when guests need. And step away stood silently, while customers don't want what services
.Good administration also include proper rhythm in service, such as when guests need what just meet the speedy. The waiter should know the guest's needs before guests will ever ask for.1 steps ahead, such as go tell kitchen that have large groups in. To make the party knows it, and can be prepared in advance, etc.!In the case of the small staff served only with 2-3 people. Job responsibility of the waiter is a very wide scope. The main function, are as follows:
* restaurant decoration or arranged to look good and comfortable
.Use the layout table with chairs And appliances on the table
* reservation from customers who call order
* welcome customers
·รับ orders or commands about food and drink from the customer
* bring food and drinks to the concert of
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