Types of drugs , the World Health Organization. We have identified substance followed a group of drugs that are potent and derivatives similar into 9 types 3.1 Type of opium or morphine, as well as drugs that have effects similar to morphine, such as opium, morphine, heroin, Open Forum, Dean, etc. 3.2. Type carbamate, including the powerful drug in the same way as Seco Bar-Tal. A modern Barbecue Tal Para formaldehyde Diazepam's pro basketball mate alongside the acetate epoxide and 3.3 alcohol such as beer, wine, whiskey, etc. 3.4 of amphetamine, as amphetamine there. The Dex amphetamine and 3.5 of cocaine, such as coca leaves, etc. 3.6 Type of marijuana as the inflorescence marijuana females and 3.7 type machine, such as a cut-leaf huts and 3.8 of hallucinogens such as LD Processes. Speaker volatile mushrooms, 3.9 other types that do not fit into any category, such as thinner, benzene, lead drug nail analgesic property, etc. (graceful Phoncharoensuk. 2545) , because the ice is called formal. Mate amphetamine Hydrochloride (crystalline methamphetamine hydrochloride) is a synthetic drug that is a derivative of amphetamine. (Amphetamine) is classified in the amphetamine as described by the World Health Organization for the United Nations. Divides drugs into three categories: 1) the type drug to kick 2) of the psychotropic and nervous, and 3) the type drug which is divided in this way is going to benefit in the control of production. and is a major supplier Is conducive to the practice easier. As well as the utilization is still a need for more medical. They just have to be used in the right way, theoretical, and be extra careful with more special. According to the above classification. Mate amphetamine. And is set in type 2 (type object acting psychotropic) However, when it comes to the use of drugs or drugs with the intent to make a choice, always choose the nature of the action that will affect performance. Then, after the addiction itself. Such action, which will be divided into 4 groups: 1) group acting sedative. (Depressants) medicine or drug is acting depressed brain. Respiratory control center in the brain And the nerves that control the operation of certain organs of the body. These drugs include heroin, morphine and opium Seco Bar-Tal. (Secobarbital), known among users as "evil" or "Ehlgaแhgg" Diazepam thinner, glue, and 2) the stimulating nerves (Stimulants) to stimulate the nerves and neurons directly. Stimulate the heart And emotions, such as amphetamine Mate amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine, etc. 3) group acting hallucinogen. (Hallucinogen) is acting on the brain. Therefore the perception (Perception) wrong hallucinatory. Or translate what we are wrong (illusion) and Lysergic acid diethylamide (Lysergicacid dietyhlamide) to gasoline (Gasoline) banana papaya latex and fans oxytetracycline Dean (Phencylidine) DMT Psilocybin mushroom, etc. 4) group. active ingredient combination When the drug is then to act as a sedative. Sensory stimulation And hallucinogens and marijuana leaves on a small cottage. To stimulate If more profound sedation. And if the more it will be hallucinogenic. Etc. Thus, Mate amphetamine. It was among the 2 groups stimulate nerves. By acting on the central nervous system stimulant.
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