It is the computer The processor, or CPU, usually referred to as the CPU will have its own language called machine language, which is composed of many binary. Therefore, to control the operation of computer programming. Using direct language that is difficult. It has developed a variable machine language. Is a written form (Syntax) that makes it easier to communicate with the developer. And is designed to be easy to use. And to change the orders of users. Into a machine language In order to control the computer's next
for the development of tools for teaching, C & C ++ commonly used today have the option to use widely, and before you develop a computer program, we first have to study the form. The program needs to be developed. It then analyzes the problem and solution. Then take the idea a step in the solution. It is in the form of Source Program or Source Code, then we will use Complier of the language we choose to Compile Source code at this stage, the result is called Object code then Complier will make Link with. Object code to function in various Libraries are essential to the user. Then put them in the memory. Then we will be able Run to see the results of the work program. If the program has an error We will solve it Also known in computer language that the Debug itself.
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