This paper describes the impact of oil price volatility on key macroec การแปล - This paper describes the impact of oil price volatility on key macroec อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

This paper describes the impact of

This paper describes the impact of oil price volatility on key macroeconomic variables from volatility in oil prices, unemployment rates, interest rates, investment and the trade balance for the entire data period. Impulse response shows that in most of the cases that have an impact on realized volatility using a shorter time frame with maximum impact on investment and the unemployment rate. This study found that the nature of the relationship between the volatility of oil prices and economic indicators as one. Results of short-term impulse response functions and variance decomposition confirm that. The fair value of the volatility of the unemployment rate and investment is explained by fluctuations in oil prices. These findings support the popular idea of ​​the impact of uncertainty on investment, delaying and reducing unemployment, which will result in the restructuring of production and allocation of resources. It can be concluded from the VAR for the period of the full volatility of oil prices has a significant impact on the growth of employment and investment, however (in the financial crisis Asia), it seems that the subsidized fuel. plays an important role in improving economic efficiency by reducing the impact of oil price volatility of macroeconomic indicators. The problem was that the government should be pursuing policies to stabilize domestic oil prices by subsidies and investment, thereby increasing employment and growth. And everyone must help to save energy to reduce vehicle fuel consumption.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
these findings support the popular idea of ​​the impact of uncertainty on investment, delaying and reducing unemployment, which will result in the restructuring of production and allocation of resources. it can be concluded from the var for the period of the full volatility of oil prices has a significant impact on the growth of employment and investment,.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
This paper describes the impact of oil price volatility on key macroeconomic variables from volatility in oil prices, unemployment rates, interest rates, investment and the trade balance for the entire data period. Impulse response shows that in most of the cases that have an impact on realized volatility using a shorter time frame with maximum impact on investment and the unemployment rate. This study found that the nature of the relationship between the volatility of oil prices and economic indicators as one. Results of short-term impulse response functions and variance decomposition confirm that. The fair value of the volatility of the unemployment rate and investment is explained by fluctuations in oil prices. These findings support the popular idea of the impact of uncertainty on investment, delaying and reducing unemployment, which will result in the restructuring of production and allocation of resources. It can be concluded from the VAR for the period of the full volatility of oil prices has a significant impact on the growth of employment and investment, however (in the financial crisis Asia), it seems that the subsidized fuel. plays an important role in improving economic efficiency by reducing the impact of oil price volatility of macroeconomic indicators. The problem was that the government should be pursuing policies to stabilize domestic oil prices by subsidies and investment, thereby increasing employment and growth. And everyone must help to save energy to reduce vehicle fuel consumption.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
This paper describes the impact of oil price volatility on key macroeconomic variables from volatility in oil prices, unemployment rates, interest rates, investment and the trade balance data for the entire period. Impulse response shows that in most of the cases that have an impact on realized volatility using a shorter time frame with maximum impact on investment and the unemployment rate.This study found that the nature of the relationship between the volatility of oil prices and economic indicators as one. Results of short-term impulse response functions and variance decomposition confirm that. The fair value of the unemployment rate and the volatility of investment is explained by fluctuations in oil prices.findings support the idea of popular These return return the impact of uncertainty on investment, delaying and reducing unemployment, which will result in the restructuring of production and allocation of resources. It can be concluded from the VAR for the full period of the volatility of oil prices has a significant impact on the growth of employment and investment,however (in the financial crisis Asia), it seems that the subsidized fuel. plays an important role in improving economic efficiency by reducing the impact of oil price volatility of macroeconomic indicators. The problem was that the government should be pursuing policies to stabilize domestic oil prices by subsidies and investment, thereby increasing employment and growth.And everyone must help to save energy to reduce vehicle fuel consumption.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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