Foreword.This report is a tribute one of family and community nursing practice teaching The practice of community in the city Palo Po, Indonesia, case studies in postoperative patients. Enteritis by will detail about history, physical examination, finding problems, planning the care nursing practice case study. Case summary and suggestions of nursing to promote, protect and restore any practice based on physical, psychological, social and spiritual practice of case study as a human heart. "Thank you teachers from BOROMARAJONANI COLLEGE OF NURSING (BCN, UTTARADIT THAILAND).The professors and students from SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN (STIKES) BHAKTI PERTIWI LUWU, RAYA PALOPO INDONESIA.The family of a case study, case study.PEMERINTAH JOTA PALOPO DINAS KESEHATAN PUSKESMAS WARAUTARA.In the clinical practice at this time.The author hopes that a case report of chronic disease in the community of Palo Po, Indonesia bubble. This will be beneficial to those interested in more or less.Faculty of providers.
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