.Transactions each trade at that time. Don't need all kinds of documents. Which it claims to purchase the goods at the agreed between buyer and seller.Draft or Bill of Exchange widely used three things. Bill of Exchange
1 2. Promissory Note
3. Check type of bill of exchange share ตามลักษณะ ticket
1.? Bank Bills or Banker 's Draft
2. Trade Bills or Time Bills or House Bills
3. Commercial Bill
.Types of bill of exchange, according to the period of payment, including
1. Sight Draft or Demand Draft tickets are paid whenever demand
2. Time. Draft or Usance Draft bills paid within the time limit
.Important documents, including invoice account price or leaves directed price. The document that established freight forwarder To show the details about product with two types of
1. Official Invoice is invoice used in the government divided into
1.1 Customs Invoice is invoice made for customs examination
1.2 destination using Consular Invoice is invoice to the consul of the country goods.
2.Commercial Invoice documented freight forwarder for details about the product Commercial Invoice divided into five types.
1. Local invoice is used in business, domestic trade,
2. Shipping Invoice right in international trade affairs 3
.Consignment Invoice use in order to sell
4. Sample Invoice used for shipment sample abroad
5. Pro-forma. Invoice used in bidding and conditions in paying
.Bill of Landing documented Shipping company issued to Shipper as proof. Given the goods to transport from one place to another eye set
important characteristics of Bill of Landing including
1.A Receipt is a receipt to transport
2. Contract is a contract between the shipper and carrier
3. Document of title.
Air Way Bill a receipt and a contract of carriage of goods company aviation issued you sender
.Parcel Post Receipt is in out by the post office of country of origin shipment as proof to ship the goods stated to the recipient
.Railway Bill leaves out by train or agent and signature of the carrier. Agent and signed, sealed, and release date
Insurance Policy insurance contract agreed to pay the claim is for one person. In the event of a disaster, as promised!Insurance Certificate evidence issued to the insurer insurance each time a cargo
Certificate of Origin. A certificate of origin products that have origins in any country
.Certificate of Inspection documented quality certification of goods issued by the inspection organization of government or private, reliable
Certificate. Of analysis documents show that the product mix analysis of what and how the
.Health Certificate documents to the integrity of the product Beneficiary '
s Certificate often issued by the seller to guarantee send copies of documents as specified in the credit to the buyer directly after the goods on the แล้ว
.Packing & Weight List show about packaging that contains any number, sometimes represents the weight and size with
.Weight Certificate a certificate to make buyers know that the weight of a standard agreed ซื้อขายกัน?
.Before the import goods, we must look for the products we are interested. Agree on details of goods to clear. It will start a trading and order
.The documents needed to apply to the Customs for import goods continue working as
ใบขนสินค้า legs into the bill of lading - account price
-. A detailed account of packing
-. License or permit for control products import
.- Certificate of origin
. Other documents
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