The use of subcutaneous injection of isotonic saline, rather than intr การแปล - The use of subcutaneous injection of isotonic saline, rather than intr แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

The use of subcutaneous injection o

The use of subcutaneous injection of isotonic saline, rather than intradermal injection, has been trialled in overseas studies , where it has been reported to cause less discomfort at the time of injection ( Bahasadri etal 2006 ; Martensson and Wallin 1999 ) and while it has been efficacy is reported to be Markedly lessened. the actual stinging sensation reported by women appears to be an important factor in the effectiveness of intradermal sterile water and is likely to be related to the pain experienced at the injection site ( Melzak and Wall 1965 ; Gammon et al 1936)

This study on the effect of intradermal sterile water injections on women’s pain during labour reported similar findings to overseas research which validated itsusage as a means of managing severe back pain. In the data set, significant pain relief was reported for up to 90 minutes post injection ( Peart et al 2006) . However these results were reported from the midwives reporting pain measures during labour and not from the women themselves. Satisfaction with the use of intradermal sterile water injection from the perspective of participating women was also investigated. This paper reports on the findings from those questionnaires.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of administration of intradermal sterile water injections on a women’s experience of back pian in labour. Two evaluation techniques were used to collect the data. The first was a pre and post test pain assessment undertaken by midwives who scored the level of back pain experienced by the participants receiving the sterile water injection during labour . The acceptability of the technique was evaluated with a follow – up questionnaire completed by the women two days post partum.
Ethics approval for the study was applied for and granted at each of the three organizations involved in the study ( Colac Area Health, Wimmera Health Care Group , Horsham and University of Ballarat)
Woman were recruited during their pregnancy at each of the participating hospitals . The intradermal sterile water injection technique was discussed and and they way shown a video demonstrating the procedure. Over seven hundred women completed a consent form to participate if they experienced back pain while in labour ; 432 women in Horsham and 270 women in Colac . the women consenting to participate in the study were made aware of the probable discomfort they woud experience, that is the stinging sensation felt when the sterile water injection was administered. Staff at each maternity unit also underwent formal competency training in the technique.
Sixty (60)women (30 at Colac and 30 at Horsham) agreed to participate in the clinical study when they experienced severe back pain during their labour. Once they identified a need for the sterile water injection an assessment of pain severity usinga Visual Analogue Scale ( VAS) was undertaken immediately prior to injection , five minutes after and every 30 minutes for up to three hours. The procedure involved the intradermal injection of 0.2-0.5 ml. of sterile water into four sites in the Michaelis Rhomdoid or lumbar-sacral region of the spine. Two midxives simultaneously injected to reduce the number of stinging sensations experienced by women.

On day two post partum , satisfaction surveys were distributed to all women who used sterile water injections for pain relief during their labour . The questionnaires collected demographic information and qualitative data on the best and worst aspects of the women’s birthing experience. That data included information on their age, parity, previous births ,their current labour and birth , methods of pain relief they used and their understanding of the purpose ofsterile water injections. The questionaries were posted back to the principal research by the study participants in a self –addreesed envelope. A total of 52 were returned, giving a response rate of 87% Twenty-two (22) questionnaires were returned from women who attended Colac Hospital and 30 were returned from women who had attended Horsham hospital for their birth.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Die gebruik van onderhuidse inspuiting van isotoniese soutoplossing, eerder as intradermale inspuiting, is opgestel en in oorsese studies, waar dit is berig minder ongemak by die tyd van die inspuiting veroorsaak (Bahasadri etal 2006; Martensson en Wallin 1999) en terwyl dit is nie. doeltreffendheid berig word Aansienlik verminder word. Die werklike branderige sensasie berig deur vroue blyk 'n belangrike faktor in die doeltreffendheid van intradermale steriele Water en is geneig om te wees wat verband hou met die pyn ervaar by die inspuitplek (Melzak en Wall die 1965; Gammon et al 1936) hierdie studie van die effek. van intradermale steriele water inspuitings op se pyn vroue tydens kraam berig soortgelyke bevindings aan oorsese navorsing wat itsusage bekragtig as 'n middel van die bestuur van erge pyn terug. In die datastel is beduidende pyn berig vir tot 90 minute na die inspuiting (Peart et al 2006). Maar hierdie resultate is aangemeld uit die vroedvroue verslagdoening pyn maatreëls tydens kraam en nie uit die vroue self. Tevredenheid met die gebruik van intradermale steriele water spuit uit die perspektief van deelnemende vroue is ook ondersoek. Hierdie artikel rapporteer oor die bevindinge van die vraelyste. DOEL VAN THESTUDY Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van die administrasie van intradermale inspuitings evalueer op 'n steriele Water Women's Experience van Back Pian in Labour. Twee evaluering tegnieke is gebruik om die data in te samel. Die eerste was 'n pre en post-toets pyn assessering wat deur vroedvroue wat die vlak van rugpyn ervaar deur die deelnemers die ontvangs van die steriele water spuit tydens kraam behaal. Die aanvaarbaarheid van die tegniek is geëvalueer met 'n opvolg -. Up vraelys voltooi word deur die Women Twee dae Post partum METODE etiese goedkeuring vir die studie is aansoek gedoen en toegestaan ​​op elk van die drie organisasies wat betrokke is in die studie (Colac Area Health, Wimmera Gesondheid. Care Group, Universiteit van Ballarat en Horsham) gewerf tydens hul swangerskap Vrou by elk van die deelnemende hospitale. Die intradermale steriele water spuit tegniek is bespreek en hulle manier getoon dat 'n video demonstrasie van die prosedure. Oor sewe honderd vroue het 'n toestemmingsvorm om deel te neem indien hulle ervaar rugpyn, terwyl in arbeid; 432 vroue in Horsham en 270 vroue in Colac. die vroue wat toestem om deel te neem in die studie is bewus van die waarskynlike ongemak hulle bos ervaar, wat is die branderige sensasie gevoel het toe die steriele water spuit toegedien het. Kraam personeel by elke eenheid ondergaan ook formele bevoegdheid Opleiding in die tegniek. Sestig (60) Vroue (30 by Colac en 30 by Horsham) het ingestem om deel te neem in die kliniese studie wanneer hulle ervaar erge rugpyn tydens hul Arbeid. Sodra hulle 'n behoefte vir die steriele water spuit 'n aanslag van die pyn erns usinga Visual Analoog Scale (VAS) onderneem onmiddellik voor inspuiting, vyf minute na en elke 30 minute vir tot drie uur. Die betrokke prosedure die intradermale inspuiting van 0,2-0,5 ml. steriele water in vier plekke in die Michaelis Rhomdoid of lumbale-sakrale streek van die ruggraat. Twee Midxives gelyktydig ingespuit om vermindering van die aantal branderige sensasie ervaar word deur vroue. Op Dag twee Post partum, tevredenheid Opnames aan alle vroue wat gebruik steriele water vir inspuitings Pyn tydens hul Arbeid. Die vraelyste ingesamel demografiese inligting en kwalitatiewe data op die beste en die ergste aspekte van die vroue se geboorte-ervaring. Dat die data ingesluit inligting oor hul ouderdom, pariteit, vorige geboortes, hul huidige arbeid en geboorte, metodes van pynverligting hulle gebruik en hulle begrip van die doel ofsterile water inspuitings. Die questionaries is terug na die skoolhoof navorsing deur die studie deelnemers gepos in 'n self -addreesed koevert. 'N Totaal van 52 is terug, wat 'n reaksie tempo van 87% is twee en twintig (22) vraelyste is terug van vroue wat Colac Hospitaal bygewoon en 30 is terug van vroue wat Horsham hospitaal bygewoon het vir hul geboorte.

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