Thank you for the notification. I myself wondered, with the price of the cards bag, because after leaving the Salon you
.I came that I buy and ton ISE bags another card 2 a, which is the same price at your stores, but larger and with more cards in place, sellers tells me that this is a new version of
.Until when I come back home until the lamb has been acquired to photo view. I'm surprised that your bag from the card. Smaller than the same model as
I used, but the same price
.The next time you would remember I have indeed
however the price crash. You should have a bag for me is a comfort in your error
.I'm not sure if I should thank you for notice of the problem, I know or should blame the error happened to me
.However, I will send you the details as you go back. Now I'm shopping that Korea will be possible? If you are trying to contact some of the branches that you can offer a refund to me with a bag, comfort me.
I hope you will be able to continue to help me fulfill
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