Dr F P / agent / Manager - the latest information technologies ASTV point, the number of victims of the "murder" in the Colombian record fell to minimum level in the round 10 years
.News report, which cited a report of the National Institute of Forensic Science in กรุงโบโกตา of Colombia Which are published on Monday (21) stated that in 2013 past. The number of people were murdered in the Colombian was reduced to 9 percent.And is the minimum level in the round 10 years
the latest information confirms The number of people murdered in Colombia last year, there were 14 294 cases, down from last year 2012 to 1, 433)
.The reduction of the number of victims killed in Colombia. Is a consequence of hard efforts of the Colombian government under President Juan Manuel Santos, the age 62 years, step up in power when the year 2010.
.However, despite the murder in Colombia is reduced to a low level in most around the 10 years. But the Colombian is still considered as one of the most dangerous country of the world. The design of network crime. The rampant drug trafficking.The guerrilla warfare against the government for more than "half a century"
the ratio of murder victims of the people in Colombia still soaring over 30 per population, every 100 000 cases. Higher than the average of the whole world who murder victims basis at 6 per population, every 100 000 people
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