Hello, my name is Sam, I'm the morning seminary teacher, prawit arrow milieu is WAT Phnom Phnom district, Tambon PHO Yai omen & et. I would recommend against Temple and tourist attraction, she knew. Starting from Cathedral thalai capital. Driving from the University up to the main road, go straight through intersection, wasai lia garage wasai lia meets honey to Amphoe khueang in before the main Buddha is on the left hand side and is one of the attractions to Amphoe khueang Nai, just go directly to kamkeankaew district, directly to yasothon before assuming ถึว bath.Racha is just right is a little rice, Kong kills the mother is one of the attractions of the province of yasothon and drove straight through into the city yasothon until big red light intersection wasai lia to yasothon to Amphoe phanom phrai out to measure approximately 17 km, it will have a green label to write WAT Phnom that omen is right enough to meet our measurement tags to lia wokwa Temple, temple festival teachers.
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