Symptoms and signs of Ebola usually begins with acute flu-like, with fever, headache or feeling, headache and abdominal muscles and definition. In addition, the symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach and appetite are also commonly found. There are less common symptoms, sore throat, chest pain, breathing difficulties and rendered speechless to swallow hard, the average time between getting infections until the onset is 8 to 10 days, but occur between 2 and 21 days, the skin rash can be flat, convex, and point rash [maculopapular rash] (in about 50% of patients) The initial symptoms of rabies virus Ebola may be similar to the initial symptoms of malaria. Fever guitar fever or other tropical deng before the disease continue to phase out blood.In short, there may be bleeding, internal bleeding and vomiting through the skin and red eyes under the blood. Bleeding into the skin could cause bleeding points, Pew, perfect (assassins, magenta), Bleeding under skin and blood cube [hematoma] (especially around the injection needle)All patients had some symptoms of the blood circulatory system include fault lever handles. There is a report of bleeding from the puncture and mucous membranes (e.g., digestive tract, nose, gums and vagina) in 40-50% of patients. The kind of bleeding that are known to occur with Ebola virus disease, including vomiting blood is. It is a blood or stool is blood. Heavy normal bleeding, and was limited only to the digestive tract.In General, Symptoms usually develop the disease prognosis, pointing out blood leokwa however, bleeding, blood volume has led to no less, and does not cause mortality (deaths of all blood is low except during childbirth), contrary to the belief that most of the deaths caused by the syndrome abnormal functioning of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, because of the new leokrachai (fluid redistribution), low blood pressure. Blood clot in the blood vessels catching spreads and necrosis of the tissue-specific points.
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