The movie covers the academic year begins with the gathering of teachers in the autumn term to introduce themselves to each other and get a warm welcome from the principal image, smiley wearing glasses that have no edges. It ends with a game of football between staff and students and firing a long range of mobile classrooms that are empty. The camera has never been removed from the school. The film is set in the staff room, children's playground, a dining room, function rooms, meeting facilities, and a teacher's classroom at François Marin (FrançoisBégaudeau) France language (e.g. language arts), with 13 and 14 year olds mixed groups, the film focuses on the restart as he tried to keep quiet in class, mediating. During the ethnic conflicts, quieting one's manners and tried to remove the thugs to educate them. The layer is difficult and in some ways there is a light that is the most difficult teaching him his complex; verbs challenging France as they need to know what the different limits of them in modern speech. He gives them the luxury of Dai aenfraeng in education, but many people do not bother to read it. One of the smartest students, near the birthplace of Esmerelda, their destruction, Tunisia, she said that she could not be bothered to read Marin tried to get insight in the work of the students; they burn the portrait itself describing their aspirations, hobbies and the like.This mission will be collected in the book the end of the year, by Marin with Marin to win them the impetus from Mali, Souleymane subside, he developed his talent for photography, and his own life but a nice flourish and disobedience as Souleymane disaster as his encounter with Marin and ends in an act of violence. The severity of the lands he Souleymane heard in front of the discipline Committee, which would result in the eviction of him.
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