Local name: Banana
common name: Pisang Mas
scientific name: Musa (AA group). "Kluai Khai"
style family name: vision / category:? Perennial plants: the stem
style high 2.5 - 3 meters diameter 16 - 20 cm. Stem sheath outside green, yellow is a light brown, inside pink
leaves petiole สีเขียวอม yellow, with a groove width. The base of the stem has fins pink
.Flower flower stems. Cabbage downy curled up, oval, pointed, outside the red violet inside at base of petals pale
.The network has a 6 - 7 comb, comb, one is about 14 the effect is quite small, stem short, shell on the work when sperm is very bright yellow, sometimes with small black spots Other meat thinly, cream, orange sweet taste
propagation: use your head / roots / shoots
.Utilization / the application: the eaten fresh and processed
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