News Center Chiang Mai - Phayao provincial administration organization prepare cutting ribbon open "sunflower fields in the northern region," the largest flower January 8 , 57 words under pressure with this as a tourist attraction, with the south-กว๊านฯ city.Before you pull Private Sector buy Sunflower seeds
Mr. Nakhon Nayok Seubphong Buranasirin , baking Phayao revealed that we are going to have now is the field of the new tourist area of sunflower for approximately 1,000 rai of land in the north side street largest Chiang Kham - Phayao District, Pa Sang. Doi bunch under the word.Phayao, oven, it offers 1 Million Baht budget support to the villagers and the Leader of the community, Pa Sang. The flower South.Phayao cultivation, agricultural expert advice in the care area to develop this point, has become a tourist attraction of the city under the flower
If the sunflower, there will be a full-grown, because the villagers during the sunflower bloom was able to attract more visitors to the sunflower to fade after they have been purchased, Sunflower seedsand revenue from the sale will be given to the villagers in the area. It was
Mr. Nakhon has said, This is the sunflower fields will be officially opened as a tourist attraction, the flower of the new word in Phayao Province and South Jan. 857. That is why I will invite visitors to experience the beauty of sunflower, and also there will be a service provider, it will be born gentlemen, there is a booth cowboy horse riding, visitors can visit the sunflower fieldsThere is also regional OTOP products from the group as well as the housekeeper agricultural crops, non-chemical, and sold again with
which will be made to the villagers in the area have one channel, and again after all season sunflower crops, it will be working in the area.
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