"clear skin with lemon
."). ".). The mixture 1 teaspoon lemon, olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt ½ spoon tea
.. ").".). How to make the salt mixed with olive oil, viscous enough. Then add lemon juice into the ให้พอ concentrated. Stir well and used to scrub the skin. Salt acts to copy of dead skin and clean the skin as well.And lemon juice will help clear up skin. But should not be mixed with lemon juice too much because may cause irritation because power is ได้
acid, lemon
. ").".). Also, lemon also help get rid of oily skin with only the normal cotton impregnated with น้ำมะนาวเช็ด across the face before bed, then leave 1 night. Then rinse off in the morning, it will help to make the skin it
. ").".). Beautiful white teeth with lemon.
.. ").".). The teeth whitening is generally very expensive. But we can whiten teeth without spending a lot of money just use lemon. Using baking soda mixed with lime and frothy.It took no more than 1 minutes. If the left more than that will make the damaged tooth. Then wipe out with toothpaste. It has teeth are clean without wasting money on expensive.
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