The name miss สุพรรษา surname ไชยแสง nickname, 29 was born on July
the 2539 age 18 years, blood group B nationality Thai Race Thai
ID number 1-409901459545 hometown number 77 8 mu
.The village Wang Gong Road - district / sub - khwao Rai district / county, kosum phisai of Maha Sarakham Province Code
to ausaneeporn array 44140 House -
mobile phone number 0935057675 present address 77 Mu 8 village. Wang Gong
.The road - district / sub - khwao Rai district / county, kosum phisai Maha Sarakham
postcode 44140 โทรศัพท์เบอร์ House - mobile phone 0935057675
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