M. Rosae produces black spots of about two to 12 mm in.Diameter usually in the upper surface of the leaves (Fig.1A). Often those spots, may have irregular radiate feathery,,,Borders (Fig. 1b). In older lesions black spore-bearing,,,, structures called acervuli can be observed as well, as whiteSlimy masses of conidia (Fig. 2a). Yellowing around the.Lesions on infected leaves can occur and severe, defoliation.Occurs in the most susceptible cultivars. While leaves.Are the most susceptible part of the plant stipules and,,Pedicels can also be infected. Spots can also be found also.In, peduncles fruits and sepals. Symptoms, of black spot are.Usually confused with those of Cercospora leaf spot (See.EDIS publication Cercospora Leaf Spot of Rose at http: / / EDIS.Ifas.ufl.edu / PP267).
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