Before, with the total amount your chim สังข 6000 baht 3,000 baht deposit and outstanding 3,000 baht. But since then, he has canceled some of. All changes to a total of 4, 655 baht, the outstanding shield 1, 655 baht.
Before that, there must Sangkhla Jim. Deposits totaling Baht 6000 baht and 3000 baht overdue 3000. But then he had to cancel some. The total is 4,655 baht. Therefore owed money 1655 baht.
Before that, have you ordered the pussy. The 6000 baht deposit 3000) and unpaid 3000 baht. But then he canceled some. Total 4 655 switched, respectively. Therefore, behindhand 1 655 baht.