Compiled information the ant and the grasshopper.One summer 's Day grasshopper while Anant was busy collecting stalk of wheat singing to his heart' s content ant, passed by carrying. Along a stalk of wheat which he, was taking to his home grasshopper sawant 's great effort and said: "why not come and chat. With me instead of, working so hard all day long? We can dance and play together "and answered:" I am working to gather. And save food for the winter I suggest you do the same. "" why bother about winter? "Asked grasshopper we have plenty." Of food at present let 's have some fun don' t be so foolish and waste your time working. '' but ant went on its way and continued. Its work when the winter came Grasshopper had, no food, in fact he was starving and cold he passed ant 's home looked inside,,, And saw ant eating some wheat ant had all the wheat that he had collected and stored in the summer ant was not hungry because. He had gathered enough food to survive the winter he was resting and enjoying his food snug in his home grasshopper asked. Ant for some food he said that he was cold and hungry ant replied, '' you didn 't work this summer you sang and danced you. Didn 't so now it is my turn to call you foolish then the grasshopper knew.' '
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