ตำบลของหนู is of THA. There are 15 the village has a population of about 30.Exhibitions of people is located in the Sala District, Nakhon Si Thammarat province called tha. Because, according to the history. The old man has been told. In the world war two Japanese soldiers led the army through the sea in this area.(via tapae) to the south is the Pattani to the next, Malaysia, this area was called "the more"
.Boeing Boeing (SOBs)
.Oh oh oh of THA. Is located adjacent to the Gulf of Thailand. Which is where the abundance and inland waters and brine. Most of the people here is the assembly agriculture farming which rice farming. Including plantations orchards.And the other one is a professional fishing grounds. There are many aquatic animals such as oysters, shrimp, crab, fish and ของขึ้นชื่อ here is paste
.Boeing Boeing (SOBs)
."Oh Oh sea area compared to a bay gold. Which are important for residents living in this area greatly. Many individuals and said. This area is the world's main food source. The agricultural production including coconuts.Timber, fruit is the income for people in tambon tha increase is also a tourist recreation is an oval, sea sand is beautiful. Fresh air, including glass beach, beach pho thong beach Tara beach black Ironwood
.Boeing Boeing (SOBs)
.Boeing Boeing (SOBs) recently, about the year 2010 started news to coal power plant to build. Along with the big port district tha up property. He said this place is very suitable and will bring prosperity to work for people.
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