The Exchange.The currency of Singapore is the Singapore dollar breakdown (or Singapore dollars) and other currency such as dollars, cents, u.s. dollars, Japanese yen, pound sterling, or Australia is generally accepted in the major shopping centre and restaurants.Purchases of goods and services every time a goods and services tax (GST – Goods and Services Tax) of 7% is not tipping fees for hotels and restaurants because of the hotel or restaurant are inclusive of 10% service charge already.Most major credit cards are generally accepted American Express, Diners, JCB. MasterCard and visa.Another method of payment that is popular is the NETS, which can be paid by ATM card.Bank.Most banks accept traveller's cheques and foreign currency exchange. The traveller's cheques, travel document or passport is required, and may charge a small fee. The Exchange is possible at the Bank. Hotels and places authorized foreign exchange and sign "Licensed Money Changer"Most banks will be open Monday to Friday from 9.30-15.00 hrs and Saturday. Time: 9.30-13.00/11.00 hrs some banks may be open longer. Some branches open on Orchard Street on Sunday. So, check hours of operation with the Bank before the best.
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