การตามล่าเริ่มขึ้นมีผู้คนบาดเจ็บล้มตายมากมาย.แม้กระทั่ง O Z C G เองก็แทบเอาตัวไม่รอด.จากการถูกร้ายจากเจ้าไดโนเสา.พวกเขาหาวิธีกำจัดมันหลากหลายวิธีแต่ก็ไม่สมารถจัดการมันได้.มีแต่คนบาดเจ็บล้มตาย
As the hunt began with people injured many deaths. Z C O G even was almost removed from the terrorists cannot survive. by Dino antenna., they find a way to get rid of it, but it's not there it can handle, but injuries have.!
The hunt begins with the casualties are many. Even OZCG it almost could not survive. From being the evil from you, Dino poles. They find a way to get rid of it a variety of ways, but the car handled it. not. But casualties.
The hunt begins, people casualties. Even O Z C G was barely survived. From being a basket of you dinosaurs. They find a way to get rid of it is a variety of ways, but can't manage it. Only คนบาดเจ็บ casualties.