1. spoil the mood If the mobile phone in the range that you want to have peace, meditation, or whatever time you happy
2. cause symptoms of delusion that hear the incoming call
3.Make it a crime to life. If you stumble into the bandits
4. make your hot temper. Even more serious, because you will be using the phone in a very light fuel fill it with itself to review the problem
5.Cause you to lie even more, for example, if your girlfriend asked if I would definitely choose the straight answer that nobody with a brain. 6
gig you fo you will need your phone instead, such as various phone number
7.Narrow your society because when you lost, you would call a friend rather than the questions. An unknown man beside
8. make a situation like to forget fear, fear that the ban will not fear fear fear fear, break down the outdated grain drop
9.Make it a financial burden. Want to earn money to pay for the call.
10. makes you lose. Organ. If using a fake ta
was another well, another person answered?
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